A laboratory for data exploration

Using the power of data, visualization, and computing to explore, from the byte to the big bang.


Sam Walkow presents at HICSS

January 30, 2023

Sam Walkow presented her paper titled: “Infrastructure in Crisis: A Values-Driven Framework for Transparent Contextual Decision-Making in Emergency Situations” at the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). The paper introduces a framework for decision-making in technology and development in crisis situations.

NSF Funding to help understand the Earth's upper mantle

November 16, 2022

A recent award through the NSF Frontier Research in Earth Sciences (FRES) program will connect members of DXL with a multi-institution team of researchers working to understand the mechanical nature of the Earth’s upper mantle. The project, “inveStigating the Transient Rheology of the Upper Mantle” (iSTRUM) seeks to incorporate observations from seismology, geodesy, and laboraroty experiments of rock deformation within a single modeling framework to refine our understanding of the underlying physical laws that control the motion of the upper mantle across timescales.

Shin-Rong Tsai joins the DXL!

July 1, 2022

The DXL is pleased to welcome Shin-Rong Tsai, who will be working with us on a variety of projects, but especially on extending her work on libyt to support in situ visualization of simulations using yt.